Training has never been easier!

Online Care Courses Select your training course

Select training package

Choose the right package for you and your organisation.

Need more info? Have a 14-day free trial!



Sign in to the LMS. Allocate courses easily to yourself and staff. Complete courses anytime you want, on your mobile, tablet or PC.


You're now certified

Once your course is complete, you can download your certificate.
And start a new course, as simple as that!

Great - let's get started 

Delivery Methods


Access courses online and do your training on your desktop, laptop or mobile device - all you need is the internet!


Still want your face-to-face experience but from the comfort of your home? Our webinar courses can be watched live or later another time.

Online Care Courses Mock Up


Risk Assessment Image

1. How do I receive my certificates?

A digital certificate will be available for download from the portal upon successful completion of the knowledge test.

You can then just print it and you are ready to use it, plus, it never expires.

2. Where do I complete the course assessment?

Assessment is made via a multiple-choice questionnaire presented at the end of the course. If the course is failed, the test can be retaken two hours later - the perfect time for a bit of revision!

3. What's the LMS?

The Learner Management System - Your organisation's ultimate training toolkit.

No downloads are necessary. Our portal is 100% online and is compatible with all major web browsers. (Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc.)

Features include customised branding, clear actionable reports, SCORM compliance, built-in webinar technology, accredited courses, downloadable certificates and many more.

For a free DEMO via Zoom of the training dashboard, please book here.

Your whole team can be certified

Unsure which training package is best for you?

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