First Aid Awareness

Enable your team to act fast when accidents happen. Our first aid courses teach your staff how to save lives when things go wrong.

Purchase access to this course and others now! Unlimited access to all e-learning and webinar courses from as little as £0.40 per user/per month or pay-as-you-go credits for e-learning from £0.75.

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Online First Aid Awareness Course

Course Overview

Our online First Aid Awareness course is ideal for any employee or manager. It's a great introduction to first aid in the workplace that covers the basic first aid skills needed to help treat injuries, burns, shock and unconscious people.

The management portal offers complete student oversight, an interactive and fun way to learn for all learning types and a CPD accredited certification is available for digital download after completion.

First Aid Awareness FAQs

What steps are involved in making a workplace safer?

Making your workplace safer can involve training, raising awareness regarding potential risks and installing safety equipment on site. Any workplace injury must be addressed no matter how minor. The types of injury will vary depending upon the environment and in particular the industry but common ones include; fractures, cuts, burns and bleeding as well as pulled muscles. Any incident within the workplace must be logged and reported following the legislation set out by the Health & Safety Executive body for the UK. Known as the "Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations" or (RIDDOR), the HSE have set out a guide to employees and employers regarding their responsibilities for any accident that occurs as a direct result of activity in the workplace.

Do you need to keep records of accidents at work?

One of the most important parts of first aid in the workplace is record keeping. In fact, it can be just as crucial as sending staff members on a first aid training course or ensuring that first aid kits are fully stocked. This is because proper record keeping allows a business or organisation to manage health and safety risks in the future. Using the information noted down in a workplace incident book, business owners can monitor how medical emergencies are dealt with and what improvements are needed, such as giving more staff members first aid training.

An incident book can also help when conducting health and safety risk assessments, giving vital information that can help businesses to identify trends and remove or reduce hazards that may lead to medical emergencies.

What do you record in an incident book?

To ensure you are adhering to good practice with regards to first aid record keeping, ensure your business has an incident book for illness and injury. Each entry into this book should include:

  • The name and position of the ill or injured person
  • The name and signature of the person dealing with the incident (i.e. the designated first aider)
  • The date, time and place the incident occurred
  • What happened during the incident, whether first aid was given and what happened afterwards (i.e. the person went to the hospital).

Course Syllabus:

  • Introduction
  • Safe handling of unconscious people
  • Calmly assessing situations
  • Treatment of shock
  • Heart attacks
  • Burns
  • Choking
  • Fractures
  • CPR and the recovery position
  • Controlling minor and heavy bleeding

Need more info?

Give our training specialists a call and they'll answer any questions you have and find the right care package for your team!

020 3912 0860

CPD Accredited E-Learning & Webinars

CPD Accreditation

CPD Standards Office accreditation provides credibility to our online courses that just aren't available with other e-learning providers. Via evidence-based accreditation you are ensuring your organisation's standards are high and consistent, as well as offering employees engaging and substantive learning with which to enrich their careers.

More information can be found on the CPD website.


After you have completed your assessment (including a multiple-choice questionnaire), your digital certificate confirming your commitment to high-quality care is sent to the email address used to login as soon as the course is completed.

If you have not received your certificate, please first check your spam box. If it isn't there, please call and we will get this resent.

Online Care Courses Assessment


Purchase access to this course and others now. Unlimited access to all e-learning and webinar courses from as little as 40p per user/per month or pay-as-you-go credits for e-learning from 75p

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You can purchase courses online here. Alternatively, submit an enquiry here or call us on 020 3912 0860

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about which options are right for you or just need more info?

Contact us by giving our training specialists a call on 020 3912 0860 or fill in the form!

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