Epilepsy Awareness

Learn the different types of seizures, the causes, triggers and how to administer first aid if one occurs. We also offer this as an advanced course. You can view it here.

Purchase access to this course and others now! Unlimited access to all e-learning and webinar courses from as little as £0.40 per user/per month or pay-as-you-go credits for e-learning from £0.75.

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Online Epilepsy Awareness Course

Course Overview

Epilepsy can be frightening for the patient and carers when a seizure happens. Our online Epilepsy Awareness course offers training on identifying triggers, precautions and actions to take if a patient experiences a seizure.

The management portal offers complete student oversight, an interactive and fun way to learn for all learning types and a CPD accredited certification is available for digital download after completion.

Epilepsy Awareness FAQs

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is not just one condition, but a group of many different 'epilepsies' with a tendency to have seizures that start in the brain. Epilepsy is normally only diagnosed after a person has had more than one seizure. Not all seizures are due to epilepsy. Other conditions that can look like epilepsy include fainting, or very low blood sugar in some people being treated for diabetes.

What causes epilepsy?

Epilepsy can be caused by a number of things and can be complex, and hard to identify. Seizures may be caused by one or more of the following:

  • a structural (sometimes called 'symptomatic') change in the brain, such as the brain not developing properly, or damage caused by a brain injury, infections like meningitis, a stroke or a tumour
  • structural changes due to genetic conditions such as tuberous sclerosis, or neurofibromatosis, which can cause growths affecting the brain
  • a genetic trait, passed down from one or both parents (inherited)
  • a change to the individuals genes that haven't been inherited

Who can develop epilepsy?

Anyone can develop epilepsy, at any time. It affects all ages, races and social classes. It is most commonly diagnosed in children and those over 65 years of age. Around half a million people in the United Kingdom live with epilepsy which equates to approximately 1 in every 100 people. Stroke is the most common cause of seizures in the ageing population and approximately 10% of stroke survivors experience a seizure after a stroke.

Course Syllabus:

  • What is epilepsy?
  • Possible causes.
  • Identifying signs and symptoms.
  • Knowledge of different types of seizures.
  • Common triggers.
  • Mood, behaviour and memory loss.
  • How to respond in the case of an epileptic seizure.
  • Understand when to call an ambulance.
  • Precautions when living with epilepsy.

Need more info?

Give our training specialists a call and they'll answer any questions you have and find the right care package for your team!

020 3912 0860

CPD Accredited E-Learning & Webinars

CPD Accreditation

CPD Standards Office accreditation provides credibility to our online courses that just aren't available with other e-learning providers. Via evidence-based accreditation you are ensuring your organisation's standards are high and consistent, as well as offering employees engaging and substantive learning with which to enrich their careers.

More information can be found on the CPD website.


After you have completed your assessment (including a multiple-choice questionnaire), your digital certificate confirming your commitment to high-quality care is sent to the email address used to login as soon as the course is completed.

If you have not received your certificate, please first check your spam box. If it isn't there, please call and we will get this resent.

Online Care Courses Assessment


Purchase access to this course and others now. Unlimited access to all e-learning and webinar courses from as little as 40p per user/per month or pay-as-you-go credits for e-learning from 75p

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You can purchase courses online here. Alternatively, submit an enquiry here or call us on 020 3912 0860

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