Catheterisation Awareness

Gain an understanding of catheterisation and the management of associated risks with our online catheterisation course.

Purchase access to this course and others now! Unlimited access to all e-learning and webinar courses from as little as £0.40 per user/per month or pay-as-you-go credits for e-learning from Â£0.75.

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Online Catheter Awareness Course

Course Overview

Our online Catheterisation Awareness course is designed for professionals in a healthcare setting. Learners will be able to know the different types of urinary catheters, the risks involved and how they are managed.

The management portal offers complete student oversight, an interactive and fun way to learn for all learning types and a CPD accredited certification is available for digital download after completion.

Catheterisation Awareness FAQs

What is a catheter?

A catheter is a thin tube typically used to aid the flow of fluids through or out of the body. Catheterisation can either require a surgical procedure or in the case of urinary catheterisation may be inserted by a doctor or nurse.

What is urinary catheterisation?

A urinary catheter is usually used when an individual has difficulty urinating naturally. It can also be used to drain the bladder before or after surgery helping to perform certain tests.

When are urinary catheters used?

Reasons for the use of a urinary catheter include:

  • to empty the bladder if an individual has bladder weakness or nerve damage
  • to drain the bladder during childbirth if an epidural anaesthetic is used
  • to deliver medication directly into the bladder (e.g. chemotherapy for cancer of the bladder)
  • to allow urine to drain if there is an obstruction in the tube that carries urine out of the bladder
  • as a last resort for urinary incontinence when other treatments have been unsuccessful

Course Syllabus:

  • Gain an understanding of catheterisation.
  • Know the purpose of urinary catheterisation.
  • Identify the causes and types of incontinence.
  • Manage the risks involved with catheterisation.
  • Define types of catheters.

Need more info?

Give our training specialists a call and they'll answer any questions you have and find the right care package for your team!

020 3912 0860

CPD Accredited E-Learning & Webinars

CPD Accreditation

CPD Standards Office accreditation provides credibility to our online courses that just aren't available with other e-learning providers. Via evidence-based accreditation you are ensuring your organisation's standards are high and consistent, as well as offering employees engaging and substantive learning with which to enrich their careers.

More information can be found on the CPD website.


After you have completed your assessment (including a multiple-choice questionnaire), your digital certificate confirming your commitment to high-quality care is sent to the email address used to login as soon as the course is completed.

If you have not received your certificate, please first check your spam box. If it isn't there, please call and we will get this resent.

Online Care Courses Assessment


Purchase access to this course and others now. Unlimited access to all e-learning and webinar courses from as little as 40p per user/per month or pay-as-you-go credits for e-learning from 75p

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You can purchase courses online here. Alternatively, submit an enquiry here or call us on 020 3912 0860

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