Autism Awareness

Learn about the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the Autism triad of impairments and a deeper understanding of working with autistic individuals with this specialist course.

Purchase access to this course and others now! Unlimited access to all e-learning and webinar courses from as little as £0.40 per user/per month or pay-as-you-go credits for e-learning from £0.75.

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Get in touch to find out more by giving us a call on 020 3912 0860 or send us a message below!

Online Autism Awareness Course

Course Overview

If you work with autistic people or want to learn more, our online Autism Awareness course is for you. Upon completion, learners will know the challenges they face, how to support them and a better overall understanding of autism.

The management portal offers complete student oversight, an interactive and fun way to learn for all learning types and a CPD accredited certification is available for digital download after completion.

Autism Awareness FAQs

What is Autism?

Autism is a lifelong mental condition that affects how an individual relates to others. Autistic people feel, see and hear the world differently from other people which can make communicating and forming relationships difficult for them.

Is Autism a disability?

Autism and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) are both terms used for a group of disorders affecting brain development. It is sometimes described as a hidden disability - as it is not easily noticeable when meeting someone for the first time.

What causes Autism?

The cause of Autism is suspected to lie with a faulty gene or genes that may make a person more susceptible to developing the disorder. There may also be other factors present such as viruses or a chemical imbalance - or a lack of oxygen during birth. It has also been found in children whose mother has caught Rubella (German measles) during pregnancy.

Course Syllabus:

  • What is autism?
  • Knowledge of legal responsibilities and legislation.
  • Causes, symptoms and diagnosis.
  • Autism Triad of Impairments
  • How to manage challenging behaviour.
  • Understanding and working with autistic individuals.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) including Asperger's syndrome.
  • Differentiate between autism and Asperger's.

Need more info?

Give our training specialists a call and they'll answer any questions you have and find the right care package for your team!

020 3912 0860

CPD Accredited E-Learning & Webinars

CPD Accreditation

CPD Standards Office accreditation provides credibility to our online courses that just aren't available with other e-learning providers. Via evidence-based accreditation you are ensuring your organisation's standards are high and consistent, as well as offering employees engaging and substantive learning with which to enrich their careers.

More information can be found on the CPD website.


After you have completed your assessment (including a multiple-choice questionnaire), your digital certificate confirming your commitment to high-quality care is sent to the email address used to login as soon as the course is completed.

If you have not received your certificate, please first check your spam box. If it isn't there, please call and we will get this resent.

Online Care Courses Assessment


Purchase access to this course and others now. Unlimited access to all e-learning and webinar courses from as little as 40p per user/per month or pay-as-you-go credits for e-learning from 75p

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You can purchase courses online here. Alternatively, submit an enquiry here or call us on 020 3912 0860

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about which options are right for you or just need more info?

Contact us by giving our training specialists a call on 020 3912 0860 or fill in the form!

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